Happy Monday Duratus Team!
I’m going to start off with some very sad news. On Friday, our contractor Scott’s wife, Shelby, passed away suddenly at age 29. I did not know her well, but had the pleasure of meeting her a couple of times, and she was kind, vibrant, and fun. She leaves behind a young family, including their baby daughter and two step-children.
Please keep Scott, his daughter, and Shelby’s family in your prayers. Also, I would like for us to figure out some way to help Scott during this difficult time.

- Podcast Episodes 7 & 8 released
- Few good leads for the RTO program
- 5 Consultant interviews were conducted for Digital Course certification
- Construction progress at 4626 Gold Drive
- 1st Mentorship Wednesday Training Completed - How to Write Effective Emails
- Z comes back from vacation on Tuesday
- Cold Plunge Challenge - Aziz & Maura are on DAY 89
- Mentorship Wednesdays continuing this Wednesday with Julie’s class on Leadership
2 Under Contract; 1 On the Market
- 3848 Isabel Way West - Under Contract (closing by 3/15/2024)
- 371 Ridgewood Dr - Under Contract (closing by 3/15/2024)
- 505 Dyson Street - On the Market
- 4626 Gold Drive - Construction Underway
- 100% occupancy and leases completed
- Working with Kenneth & Fuad to get 2-4 more RTO deals
- Mastering Real Estate Podcast
- Published Last Week:
- Episode 7 (Tuesday) - Real Estate by the Numbers book review
- Episode 8 (Thursday) - How to Sell Off Market
Coming Up This Week:
- Episode 9 (Tuesday) - The Highest Calling
- Episode 10 (Thursday) - Project #5 - Avoid Flood Zones
- Podcast Numbers: 258 downloads
- Digital Course Certification - selecting a consultant this week for certifying our digital course
Hope that helps!
**I write this overview for my internal team every week, but if you want to receive the Duratus Weekly Outlook, you can sign up here.**